
Attend a Workshop or Best Practice Session with Brenda

A gifted and knowledgeable instructor, Brenda’s courses and workshops sell out with in hours of being announced. She offers both in-person and virtual sessions. Check back frequently for workshop dates.


Popular Workshops and Best Practice Courses


Business Planning Workshop

Learn how Brenda took her real estate gross commission income (GCI) from $0 to $300,000 in just three years. In this hands-on workshop she will teach you how to develop strategies that incorporate Lead Generation and Marketing Systems to increase your GCI quickly and consistently.


Best Practices

Learn how you can win the listing at every appointment. This course will teach you how to price, market, and service your listings at a level that generates future listing referrals. You will also learn how to overcome objections from your seller and master challenging contract negotiations.


Best Practices

Learn how to generate buyer leads and get them under contract quickly and efficiently. Master the skills to conduct a Buyer Consultation that keeps your buyers focused and collaborating with you through the use of tools and technology that save you time and generate more buyer referrals.

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